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The DVD series Under the Horse should be made prerequisite to That’s My Horse in all training programs. The purpose of the future TMH series is to help practitioners apply the basic protocols described in UTH on specific and complex cases.
At six years old, this Hanoverian was at the end of the road. In one year, the owner had spent $14,000 on veterinary care, diagnostics and corrective shoeing. The horse had continually been uncomfortable in the pasture and could not be ridden for the past 8 months. In spite of concentrated effort, the hooves were steadily deteriorating. Enter Ivy and Pete Ramey-can the "barefoot approach" save her prized horse? At this point the owner figured it couldn't be any worse.
To view preview trailer on YouTube, click Product Videos at the bottom of the page.
This horse seemed to have everything 'in the book'. Hooves that would not hold a shoe without wall repair, glue and clips. She was diagnosed with bilateral navicular changes and demineralization of P3 at UGA. She had almost an inch of distal descent of P3, a hi-lo front limb/hoof conformation, an undiagnosed shoulder pain/atrophy, and an undiagnosed hind limb lameness. UGA referred her to UF for MRI's. There she was diagnosed with:
In this DVD set, you'll see Pete pull the shoes, trim the horse and apply Equicasts with pads to begin growing healthy feet. Soon after, she was comfortable barefoot in the pasture (aside from some reoccurring ligament injury flare-ups that continue to come and go today) and she could be ridden in padded hoof boots- ridden for the first time in over a year. From there, a team approach with hoof trimming, veterinary care, a veterinary chiropractor and equine massage, mineral balancing, carbohydrate adjustment and riding are used to grow healthier hooves and a much happier horse.
Watch each trim, hoof casting, booting and the riding over the course of 14 months. Listen to the conversation as we work through the various "bumps in the road" along the way.
In this 3 Disc DVD Set, watch each step in the process as Pete tries to help this horse grow functional feet. Watch critically important changes to the trimming over time and also see:
On the whole TMH series: Teaching people to rehabilitate hoof problems is very difficult because every case is different. While the generalized instruction we provided in the lecture series Under the Horse was as detailed and complete as we could make it, we still find ourselves "stepping outside that box" on a routine basis. Disc 10 of the UTH series got rave reviews and was described as one of the most helpful hoof videos ever filmed. In Disc 10 we showed every trim of a distal descent and rotation reversal. A lot of real world information came out as we worked thru the nuances of that individual case. The appreciation folks had for Disc 10's format gave us the idea for the That's my Horse series.
We plan to film as many completely different 'types' of hoof problems as we can over time. We will show each trim, how the horse moves, the changes to the feet, and how we deal with the everyday problems that pop up. Currently we have completed footage on a navicular horse, a "high/low" horse, a club foot, several chronically foundered horses and a "splat-footed" draft horse. We'll keep filming other 'types' as they come along. As we get time, we'll put each case together in a DVD set (That's My Horse #1, #2, #3......). A serious student will then be able to collect each video set, and concerned horse owners will be able to just buy the one that most matches their personal horse's situation.
We are very excited about this format. Aside from showing more of the 'out in the dirt' nuances of rehabilitative hoof work, it will provide Pete an opportunity to present new findings and methodology discovered over time. Keep checking back here for new videos- we hope to put a new one out every 6 months or so. Ivy and Pete
Posted by Cindy on 13th Jun 2017
This DVD totally supports all your written material. I finally got to understand the heel bevel. I had experimented before this with some good results but was very unsure if I was doing it correctly. My old horse has been crippled by the whole "cut the toe and cut the opposite heel" approach. Luckily he kept busting out of his bad shoeing LOL! So, even at age 23, he feels better and he has a chance. I also bought Kerry's integrated sports medicine. I am happy to hear the Southern accent...My best farrier was from Louisiana and had shared very important info with me.. It dovetails with what you teach.
Posted by Nathan Morris on 2nd Mar 2015
Thank you Pete for all you do for the Horse Community. My horse as the same issue..along with Pedal Osteitis and what I learned has helped me understand more what I need to do and look for in the field of my own hoo frehab business. keep up the informative videos...they sure help!
Posted by Carla on 6th Feb 2015
Thank you Pete for featuring a hi-lo hoof in your videos. My horse has this problem from incorrect Farrier work. I think this will greatly help us help the horse.
Great detail and in depth study over 12+ months. Hey but no more CA jokes!!
Thank you!
Carla in Central California